Your Cover Letter = Your Brand

personal brand cover letter

Cover letters are pretty simple: it is a list of claims followed by evidence to support those claims.  Its a brief snapshot of what YOU can do for the company.  It isn’t about you but what solutions and results you can bring to their current problems.

Staci Collins, Ivy Exec’s Senior Resume Writer, has over 15 years of experience partnering with managers at all levels in High Technology, Management Consulting and Healthcare Management to build their careers via career strategy, career assessment and selection, brand identification, PAR development and mapping, and strategic resume and cover letter development.

She’s collaborated with over 1000 managers to identify and achieve their career objectives. Staci has worked at top-tier companies such as Accenture and Ernst & Young in change management, human resources, and strategic planning. She received her MBA from the Haas School of Business, University of California, and Bachelor of Arts from Harvard.

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