Tips for Job Interview Success | Personal Branding

Biggest Job Interview Mistakes

Acing your Job Interview

Way too often many of us get nervous about job interviews.  Its totally natural and avoidable.  Eric Barker of Time Magazine lists the following proven job interview success tips:

  • Be similar to the interviewer
  • Timing matters – Research shows interviews go better when: They’re earlier in the day and when the weather is good.
  • Optimize your first impression
  • Feel powerful
  • Have a strong handshake
  • Know the right questions to ask
  • Know how to negotiate salary

How does one Interview like a winner?  Its simple really, and thank you for asking.  Here’s a quick tip to help you break the ice and set the mood.

Q: Interviewer: Thank you for coming in today.  How are you?

A: Goal oriented, thank you for asking.

No seriously,  if the interviewer smiles then you can relax a bit and feel more comfortable speaking with this stranger.  In addition to that, if you’re a character – like my grampa use to call me – then right away you’re demonstrating your brand and personality.  Interviewers want to know what its going to be like to work with you, so show them.

In terms of toughest interview questions, there are plenty of other articles to reference, but this is the shortlist.  Its easy to let life dictate the importance of the interview and get worked up because you need that job.  Don’t be you own worst enemy and get nervous.  Just think about what questions may be asked and rehearse them.

Interview questions and answers that you should know by heart.  Each is linked to a great video to help you think deeper about the questions and properly formulate your responses.

And now some laughs…

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