The Use of Color in Branding

the use of color in personal branding

First of all, color isn’t about art, its about strategy.  A successful personal branding package is more than just your tag line or mission statement; it’s also about how you present yourself visually in terms of your resume, cover letter, business cards, and brochures.  The use of color in personal branding will speak to the nature of who you are through the practice of color psychology.  In short, color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior.

Branding = The marketing of YOU

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Executive Resume Mistakes

executive resume mistakes

According to The Ladders Marc Cenedella, these are the nine resume mistakes made by executives, but I think they’re made by everyone.

  1. Terrible resume format
  2. Lack of a title
  3. Length (as in way too long)
  4. One-size-fits-all templates
  5. Lack of quantifiable
  6. Overusing words
  7. Font faux pas
  8. Graphic crimes

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How to Write a Good Cover Letter | POPSUGAR Smart Living

No one likes having to write a cover letter that we assume is never really going to be read, but we have no choice.  Its an industry must.  Writing a stunning cover letter isn’t rocket science but it is a hassle.  Every company is hiring because they lack someone specific and its the job of the cover letter to address how you meet those needs. Keep in mind that it really isn’t about you, its about them.

According to PopSugar, the following will help you write a stellar cover letter without loosing your mind.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter | POPSUGAR Smart Living

1. Tweak your tone for every company

Don’t send generic cover letters that can be used for any job application. You want to make sure that the tone of your letter fits the type of firm you’re applying to. Is the company looking for someone with sass or someone more serious? Figure that out on your own, and tailor your letter to what suits the company.

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Understanding Letters of Recommendation, Reference, and Endorsements

No matter what your background is, better understanding letters of recommendation, reference, and endorsements will only serve to help you stand out in the crowd.  No one wants to receive a letter like the one below which is clearly the recommendation letter employers don’t want.

Most of these red flags are mistakes that many people make when they don’t know the details behind the details.  The average person isn’t going to learn what I’ve learned in college in a week and be able to pin-point major faux pas the way professionals can so don’t be to hard on yourself.  This is why I’m here.

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Cover Letter Tips for Success

cover letter tips for success

There are many of us who know that we’re the best candidate for whatever job we’re applying to.  However, we fail to make that point correctly when applying.  The fact is that you’ll probably never get to the point where its your resume that disqualifies you because your cover letter is really what’s betraying  you.

In general you have 4 – 6 seconds to capture the attention of the hiring manager or HR person reading your cover letter.  Sadly, if that person has spent all day reading and looking over resumes and cover letters you may find that they never read yours just because if doesn’t please the eye.

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