What You Need to Know About Psychological Manipulation

It’s unfortunate fact that we deal with manipulation on a daily basis. Someone  is always attempting to get us to do what they want. Many times it’s for their benefit but sometimes it’s for ours. Learning the basics of manipulation can save you a lot of hassle when you find yourself on the receiving end of negative manipulation.

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Are You a Scary Boss? Six Ways to Lower Fear and Build Trust

Are You a Scary Boss?

Leading with Trust

The coach of the opposing team at my son’s high school basketball game clearly tried to lead his team through fear and intimidation. His voice had one volume setting — LOUD! He wasn’t just speaking loud so that his players could hear him in the noisy gym. He yelled. He screamed. The entire game. He criticized his players for making mistakes and made sarcastic comments about their performance. He threatened them with time on the bench if they didn’t follow his instructions. I mentioned to some other parents that when a coach constantly yells and screams at his players, they eventually start to tune out, or even worse, become so afraid to make a mistake that they fail to give their best effort. That clearly was the case with this team.

Even if you aren’t the stereotypical gruff, volatile, loud, in-your-face type of boss, you may be casting a…

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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

13 things mentally strong people don't do

According to Amy Morin, Psychotherapist and author of ’13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do’,

“Building mental muscle requires hard work, dedication and exercise. In addition to adopting healthy habits, avoiding detrimental habits, like negative thoughts, unproductive behavior, and self-destructive emotions, is also essential.

Whether you’re working on becoming a more patient parent or you’re striving to become an elite athlete, building mental strength will help you reach your goals. Learn to identify the common pitfalls that you’re prone to and practice exercises that will help you become your best self”.

13 things mentally strong people don’t do

1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves Many of life’s problems and sorrows are inevitable, but feeling sorry for yourself is a choice. Whether you’re struggling to pay your bills or you’re dealing with unexplained health problems, indulging in self-pity won’t fix your problems. If you’re prone to feeling sorry for yourself when the going gets rough, train your brain to exchange self-pity for gratitude. Mentally strong people don’t waste their time and energy thinking about the problem, instead they focus on creating a solution.

2. Give Away Their Power It can be very tempting to blame other people for our problems and circumstances. Thinking things like, “My mother-in-law upsets me,” or “My boss makes me feel bad about myself,” gives others power over us. Take back your power by accepting full responsibility for how you think, feel, and behave. Empowering yourself is an essential component to building mental strength and creating the kind of life you want.

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The Most Heinous Interview Questions

jiFfMAs a manager I’ve been asked all kinds of strange questions by interviewees such as “what’s your jam?”  The applicant didn’t want to be “subjected to music that made one stupid” but didn’t bother to elaborate which I was cool with.

However, when you’re the one being interviewed it can seem like there are a ton of random questions that really don’t reveal anything about you to the interviewer.  So why do they ask them?  Maybe to see what you can come up with on the spot, but even then it reveals nothing when most companies are actually looking for candidates who are capable of mulling over a question and being thorough about coming to an answer.

The way to beat the interview is to be thoroughly prepared with the full force of your brand behind you.  When you can clearly and succinctly articulate your brand then the questions will answer themselves.

Once you familiarize yourself with what your brand is then you can quickly avoid being tripped up by some of the most off-topic interview questions such as these from Inc:

  • “If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the Zappos office, what type of parade would it be?” — The Zappos Family, customer loyalty team member
  • “How lucky are you and why?” — Airbnb, content manager
  • “If you were a pizza delivery man, how would you benefit from scissors?” — Apple, specialist
  • “If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?” — Red Frog Events, event coordinator
  • “Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?” — Dell, account manager
  • “If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?” — Yahoo, search quality analyst
  • “If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?” — Bed Bath & Beyond, sales associate
  • “Do you believe in Bigfoot?” — Norwegian Cruise Line, casino marketing coordinator
  • “Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?” — Xerox, client manager
  • “What is your least favorite thing about humanity?” — ZocDoc, operations associate