Personal Branding Rules | Social Networking Do’s and Don’ts


Think of the internet as that gossipy girl in high school and imagine that there’s no secret she won’t spill.  You wouldn’t willingly help that gossip ruin your reputation.  However,  you have without knowing it by allowing your private shenanigans to infiltrate your personal brand.  I challenge you to Google yourself and see if you’re truly happy with the results.

Moving on,  I would think that I wouldn’t have to write this post but I do.  There are still stories about people getting fired for posting something inappropriate or having something from years earlier reappear to wreak havoc on their lives, and we never think it will be us on the other end of that story.  Your personal brand is a sacred and precious thing which is the culmination of everything you are.  When you damage that it can be very hard to recover; just look at Mitt Romney’s Presidential race.

For the love of God, lets use our powers for propriety instead of stupidity!

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How to be Indispensable to International Teams | Career Development


As I continue to study, read, and assimilate the vast knowledge of “businessy things” available I inevitably create links and make lists as to what skills and traits are needed for individuals to flourish as team members and to function at their highest level.   As I tend to focus on the more serious topics of management, leadership and winning, I also try to make it entertaining and short to keep your attention.

On that note, this post is an amalgamation of  topics which when combined create a powerful understanding of how to be indispensable to international teams.  This 20-something guide was inspired by many of my fellow students who are or have just graduated.  Going into the world of international business isn’t going to be difficult for some of the international students, but for the others who stumble upon great opportunities, this guide is for them and for you.

Consider this your 20-something, 101 guide to working in or with international teams.

The series includes the following:


The Use of Color in Branding

the use of color in personal branding

First of all, color isn’t about art, its about strategy.  A successful personal branding package is more than just your tag line or mission statement; it’s also about how you present yourself visually in terms of your resume, cover letter, business cards, and brochures.  The use of color in personal branding will speak to the nature of who you are through the practice of color psychology.  In short, color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior.

Branding = The marketing of YOU

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